Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Young Cousin!

The famous French fashion designer Coco Chanel (1893-1971) once received an invitation to attend lunch with a wealthy family Rothschild, just at the time when she had a visit from a young cousin, a boy from the provinces.

Coco decided to take him with her into a luxurious mansion Rothschild. But the boy didn’t like the house of a rich man at all.

At first, he refused to sit at separate table where other children sat because, according to him, the boys were dressed - as girls. Therefore, they put him at the table where grownups sat. 

When the servants brought silver bowl with water, in which they were was supposed to wash their hands before lunch, the little boy, with undisguised disgust, exclaimed:

- What will I not see in this house! Remove this bowl in front of me! There is no force that can make me to drink water in which you washed your hands.

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