Monday, November 21, 2011

War of the Polish Succession - King Augustus III of Poland

When Polish King Augustus II the Strong died in 1733, French King Louis XV (1710 –1774) decided to reappoint his father in law, Stanisław I Leszczyński 1677 –1766) on the Polish throne.

However, Russia wanted Augustus’ lawful son Frederick Augustus II (Augustus III) (1696 –1763) to rule Poland.

Stanisław I Leszczyński managed to get hold of the throne but the upcoming Russian army of 30,000 men made him re-think his move, so he fled the country.

That is how War of the Polish Succession began.

France, Spain and Sardinia were on Stanislaw’s side, while Austria, Prussia and Russia supported Augustus III.

Although a preliminary peace was reached in 1735, the war was formally ended with the Treaty of Vienna (1738) in which Augustus III was confirmed as king of Poland.

This was the second time in Poland’s history that other European powers pursued their own national interests through the Poland throne.

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